Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Task and the Plan

In the Fall 2012 semester, I will teach "Introduction to the Philosophy of Computer Science" as a junior-level course at the University of Wyoming in the United States.  Not only is this a new course on this campus, but it's a new field in the academy.  After many years of teaching computer science, and several teaching logic in our Philosophy department, I now coordinate instructional computing at our Center for Teaching and Learning.  I hope my expertise in these roles aids development of worthwhile content and successful delivery. 

While this material is discipline-specific, even esoteric, I believe that its crossover nature, and aspects that lend themselves to general discussion of pedagogy, would appeal to a broad sector of academic readers.   I hope to offer most of my ideas during this summer of 2012, in order to have the major course design done before classes start at the end of August.  You are invited to follow along and contribute your own thoughts.  Identification will be required.  I will monitor posts and delete those that are incoherent, offensive, or otherwise counter-productive.

Here follow some of the facets that I hope to address, in concert with contributors:
  1. The subject matter
  2. Pedagogical goals, general and specific
  3. Assignments that work
  4. Teaching methods 
Please join in.  You may e-mail me a comment to post if you prefer not to set up a Google (or OpenID) account.

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